Cocopeat Bricks | Cocopeat Bricks for Composting Bins | 4 x 600 gm Cocopeat Brick (one brick makes 4 Kg powder) for Home and Garden


  • Cocopeat Bricks for home and garden use.
  • Maintains moisture, slowly stores and distributes nutrients to the roots, promoting the growth of plants.
  • For composting bins, cocopeat powder is a necessary add-on that improves the composting process for use in gardens and homes. It helps break down organic waste more quickly by efficiently absorbing moisture and preserving the ideal balance inside the compost, all the while uniformly supplying nutrients to plant roots.
  • Cocopeat is perfect for composting indoors and outdoors since it guarantees a nutrient-rich, healthier compost that is good for your plants and garden.
How to use:
  • The user can put one kg cocopeat brick in the cocopeat box of DostBin with 3 liters of water. The cocopeat brick will absorb the water in the given section. Users can conveniently add one handful of cocopeat powder whenever they add their kitchen waste. The uniform mixing of cocopeat powder in the composting pile will be taken care of by DostBin.
SKU: DB22 Category:

Cocopeat Brick serves as a plant pitting mix and enhances soil drainage properties. Cocopeat Brick enhances the speed of the composting process by keeping an adequate Carbon: Nitrogen ratio of the pile. ​

What is Cocopeat Brick?

A Cocopeat Brick is a compact, eco-friendly block made from coconut husk fibers. When soaked in water, it expands into a soft, porous, and moisture-retentive growing medium, making it an excellent choice for soil conditioning and composting. Whether you’re a home gardener or managing large-scale composting projects, cocopeat bricks ensure optimal aeration, moisture balance, and enhanced microbial activity for healthier plants and faster composting.

Benefits of Cocopeat Brick for Composting Bins

Using cocopeat brick in your composting bin or any other container provides an efficient habitat for the microbes involved in decomposing organic materials. Being highly porous, it helps in moisture retention, which is necessary in contributing to quick aging. The cocopeat brick helps prevent the foul smell as it also allows free movement of air. For households making use of composting bins, cocopeat powder for composting becomes an important feature that helps them to attain compost that is rich in nutrients. It helps in maintaining the required Carbon nitrogen ratio in the compost pile for faster composting. Its porous nature creates air pockets in the pile which optimizes the aerobic composting process.

 Available now in Bangalore, Pune, and Kerala, and soon across Pan India.

Cocopeat Bricks for Plants: Boost Your Garden’s Growth

Cocopeat brick finds its usage in composting bins, but the use of cocopeat brick formulation also enhances the soil structure of your garden. Organic content high in cocopeat brick for plants improves the turnaround of water, which makes sure the plants grow healthy. It’s useful, especially for indoor plants, and can be used in combination with soil to enhance its structure and nutrients. With this biodegradable and efficient raw material, Indian gardeners will not only improve the growth of their plants but the effectiveness of their composting practices as well. We’re currently offering this in select locations with plans to offer PAN India soon.

Order Dostbin’s premium cocopeat Bricks today in Bangalore, Pune, and Kerala!



2 Kg


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